Saturday, October 4, 2008

Update for Thursday & Friday, 10/02/08-10/03/08

Update for Thursday, 10/2/08
Dr. Johnny Wan led the team to study Psalm 96 during the morning devotional time, reminding us to proclaim His salvation day after day and declare His glory among the nations.

Pastor Han took us to three Belizean families and prayed for one young man and two old ladies, all were in critical sick conditions. The young man had sores all over his body and suffered lots of pains and itchiness. It almost took us back to Jesus’ days when he healed the leprosy by touching him (Mark1:40-41). How much do we hope that this young man could be healed in a miraculous way , knowing it is His sovernty to make things happen. We also saw with our own eyes how people could live in very simple conditions and still survive with contentment.

We went to the farm of a Taiwanese Christian community (San-Yi-Song, or Praise the Trinity) – a big family living together and growing vegetables on their own as a meaning of providing daily need. Elder Tsai prayed for our STM team and shared with us how they fast during every lunch time for the body of Christ all over the world.

We visited 12 stores and two families. It was raining very hard, and there were few people visiting the stores, giving us opportunity to share gospel with the store owners.

At night, we had dinner in a missionary couple’s home. Ken and Lisa has served in Belize for 19 years. Mrs. Hsu /Cindy and Johnnies (Jr. & Sr.) led the girl’s team and boy’s team to share on holy Christian life styles. Brother Johnny Jr asked the boys to write down their sins and burned the paper in the barbecue oven, sybolizing God’s cleasing of sins and encourage them to live according to 1 Tim 4:12. It was so great to be with the young peole and see how they eagerly learn to grow in Christ.

Update for Friday, 10/3/08
In the morning, Mark led the morning devotion by sharing our multiple relationships to Christ – His servants,disciples,friends, family and bride (as a collective body).

We visited a local free markets and gave away more fliers and Zhongxin. King-Kuen and Mrs. Hsu went to a local family to comfort a lady who lost two dear ones recently and prayed for her salvation.

We also met three yound men in a local store, the older one was very open to the gospel, Dr. Wan had a very pleasant talk with him.

After having a simple but delicious Belizean lunch provided by brother Lin’s family, we went to George Price Center to set up equipment for tonight’s meeting.

The evangelical meeting started at 10:00 PM. Sister Cindy, Piazza and King Kuen gave their personal testimonies and Rev. Yang delivered a message about Peace from God. There were about 50 people showing up, including the three young men we met before.

We went back to Prayer Mountain about 12:30 AM. It has been a long day, but we were filled of joy.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Greetings from Belmopan

1. Mother and Daughter at the entrance of Belize Christan Academy
2. Cindy sharing with highschoolers
3. Shop visitation
4. Owner of a gas station

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings from Belmopan in Belize. Praise the LORD, finally we are able to get on line to write to you!

Our Belize team left San Francisco Airport early in the morning (12:30 AM) on Tuesday 09/30 and arrived in Houston around 6:00 AM (two hour time difference). Rev. Yang from LA and sisters Eva and Emily from Portland joined our team there.

After seven hours' rest, the airplane took off and carried us to Belize City in Belize. Brothers and sisters from both Belize City and Belmopan picked up our two teams. Because of the medicines taken into the country, we had to go through custom check, which took about 30 min. The medical team (team A) headed to Belize City and our team B drove to Belmopan, which is about an hour and half away from the airport.

Along the way, all we could describe was green - green pastures, green trees, small houses scattered among them. Even though the way headed to the capital city, it was just like a small country road - completely different from the highway or free ways we are familiar in US.

Along the way, two Johnnies had a warm discussion about the outlook of this STM trip.
Rev. Han shared with us how faithful God was in answering the prayers of local churches. He is pasturing 8 churches now in Belize. A few years ago, the Chinese church in Belmopan was in its spiritual peak, but there were not too much outside support. Since two years ago, a lot of coworkers left the city and the church faced a bottleneck for further growth. It was right at that time, the leaders started to pray and it was right at that time, God started to send STM teams from North America (Canada and US) to labor with Rev. Han's team. We are all in His wonderful plan.

Thanks to God's mercy and your faithful prayer. The first day here in Belmopan, we were not exhausted by the hot weather, nor were we became the victims of mosquito’s banquet. We spent the night on the prayer mountain. Rev. Han's sister and a local Belizean brother prepared a local dish for us - it was quite delicious.

Brother Johnny (Chiang) has a beautiful new art shop in Belmopan. He has set aside the entire week to labor with us. He is the key leader in the church and has spent a lot of time building up good relationship with the communities here, therefore a very good guide to lead us to different shops/stores/restaurants and families for visitations.

This morning, we had an unexpected assignment to have a chapel worship service in Belize Christian Academy from 8:45 AM to 10:00 AM. There were about 100 high school students joined the service. Mrs. Hsu shared the song "My Hiding Place" and her personal journey in hiding in the LORD. Cindy gave her testimony in how she came to trust in the LORD. Pastor Young delivered a short message on the meaning of GRACE after we offered the hymn Amazing Grace.

Starting from 10:00 AM till now (4:00 PM), we visited about 20 groups of Chinese folks from all kinds of walk (restaurant owner, gas station owner, drug store owner, builders, internet owner,...). Most of them were very polite to us and agreed to come to our Friday night's evangelical meeting. It was so nice that we have such a variety in language skill - Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Toishan and English. When we opened our tongue with the language people speak, the distance became closer right away, and you got more understanding and smiles.

King Kuen was here in June and knew quite a few places we should go. She also got up very early to prepare oatmeal for the entire team. Piazza is the team's faithful photographer and has her camera every where she went - of course her favorite scene is flower. Rev. Yang will lead a discipleship training tonight, we need to prepare for that now... Thank you again for your prayer support.



Sunday, September 28, 2008

Belize STM Group B Schedule

September 30 (Tue)
1/Arrival and transportation to Belmopan
2/Settle down
3/Field Orientation
(Pastor Han and Brother Johnny)
inner with church members of Bethel Disciples Church

October 1 (Wed)
7:00am-7:30am Personal Quiet Time
7:30am-8:00am Breakfast
8:15am-9:00am Devotion (Pastor Duong)
9:30am-12:30pm Visitation
12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch
6:00pm-7:00pm Dinner
7:00pm-8:30pm Adults’ Christian Life Seminar
a/ By Pastor Duong & Johnny Wan (Mandarin)
b/ One or two songs by Huey Ming (5 min)
c/ about 15-20 Young Christians
(1-2 years after baptism)

October 2 (Thu)
7:00am-7:30am Personal Quiet Time
7:30am-8:00am Breakfast
8:15am-9:00am Devotion (Huey Ming)
9:30am-12:30pm Visitation
12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch
6:00pm-7:00pm Dinner
7:00pm-8:30pm Youth Seminar
a/ By Huey Ming (girls’ teaching-25 min) &
By Johnny Chiang (boys’ teaching 25 min)
(Mainly Mandarin and some English)
b/ One or two songs by Cindy (5 min)
c/ about 25 (13-20+) youngsters

October 3 (Fri)
7:00am-7:30am Personal Quiet Time
7:30am-8:00am Breakfast
8:15am-9:00am Devotion
9:30am-12:30pm Visitation
12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch
2:00pm-6:pm Rest and group preparation
for the Evangelistic Meeting
6:00pm-7:00pm Dinner
7:00pm-8:30pm Personal preparation for the
for the Evangelistic Meeting
9:30pm-11:00pm Evangelistic Meeting
for those been visited and invited (unknown)
a/ Singspiration (Huey Ming-10 to 15 min)
b/ Testimony A (King kuen-5-7 min)
c/ Testimony B (Piazza-5-7 min)
d/ Testimony C (Cindy-5-7 min)
e/ Message (Pastor Duong
Heavenly Peace-30 min)
(Decision Form prepared by Brother Johnny)

October 4 (Sat)
7:00am-7:30am Personal Quiet Time
7:30am-8:00am Breakfast
8:15am-9:00am Devotion
9:30am-12:30pm Visitation
12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch
(After Evangelistic Meeting Follow-up Visitation)
5:00pm-6:00pm Follow-up Seminar for Adults
Concerning Prayer Life given
by Mark (40 min)
6:00pm-7:00pm Dinner with church members
(Preparation for Services)
(Rev. Duong will leave for Houston at 3:40pm by CO 1652)

October 5 (Sun)
7:00am-7:30am Personal Quiet Time
7:30am-8:00am Breakfast
8:15am-9:00am Prepare for Services
Service A: Korean Congregation (9:00am)
(Small Group Choir-English)
Service B: International Cong’n (10:00am)
1/Sing Praise (Huey Ming-15 to 20 min)
2/Testimony A (King kuen-5-7 min)
3/Small Group Choir - Chinese
4/Sermon (Mark-50 min
& Huey Ming as interpreter)
5/ Testimony B (Piazza-5-7 min)
Service C: Belizean Congregation (7:00pm)
1/ Small Group Choir-English)
2/ Testimony shared by
Cindy (5-7 min)
Huey Ming (5-7 min)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Prayer Request for Korean missionary pastor Rev. Lim Han

Pray for Rev. Lim Han as a Korean missionary pastoring the church in Belmopan, Capital City of Belize,
1/ that God will provide to all the needs for building an International Church in Belmopan;
2/ that God will raise more committed believers in Chinese Congregation;
3/ that our church will be a Light House in Belmopan City;
4/ and the coworking with the CCM STM during 9/31 to 10/5.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Belize STM 9/30-10/6 2008 Group B

Dear All,

Here is the blog for our Belize STM 9/30-10/6 2008 Group B.

